Monday, 28 January 2013

1000 Page Views! & Terriers Jump for Joy

So just a quick smile this morning, because apparently I have now had 1000 pageviews to my blog!  Which seems quite a lot to me.

Now, I have a sewing project in the pipe line - but it's taking longer to complete than I thought. So I'm just going to share a few photos of our two agility terriers  as a diversion from sewing photos!

First 3 photos are of Honey - who has been very clever and qualified for Crufts (Young Kennel Club Agility) with my youngest daughter.

And these three show my Patsy - who is for ever trying to work out what I mean as I wave my arms at her and call out confusing directions....

This last photo shows her completing her first ever NOT-ELIMINATED round!  We managed to clock about eight of these throughout the year!  

(Edit to add, 31/1/13:  Last night Patsy and I got awarded a trophy for being the most improved handler/dog team.  As the trophies were awarded, mention was made of the fact that this year has involved me completely retraining Patsy to accommodate my new situation.  I was chuffed to bits! :) )

Right now though it's pouring outside, and both dogs are sleeping on the windowsill above the radiator.  The sewing machine is on the table - and I'm hoping to finish a shoulder bag I'm making....  

Here's a little taster:

.......more soon.

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