Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Interim Dress pictures.... Add sleeves or no?

So here's my dress so far - kindly modelled by my eldest daughter.

I have full length arms cut out for the dress... but I'm thinking now I'll just change my mind and put on the cap sleeves for it instead.

Then I'll have to hem the skirt and do a few wee tidying bits - like attaching the lining to the zip on the inside.

As I'm writing this and looking at possibilities for my dress - the girls have that new sewing programme on Iplayer Sewing Bee... Did anyone else watch it?  I loved it.  Great fun! 


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Sarah - no close up shots you notice. That inverted V at the front was really difficult. The back one worked better (typical). Thankfully the nature of the pattern disguises the less than perfect join.

  2. Hi Sally just popped by to say hello and thank you for your comment on my blog. Always great to meet another sewer, especially one who does the dressmaking stuff too. Your project looks great. I will pop back to see how it's progressing. I too watched the sewing bee programm and was delighted by it, only disappointed that there are to be just 4 episodes! But at least it's something for we sewers at long last.

    1. :-) Thanks This is the first dress I've made, and it's been a steep learning curve! It's been a bigger project than I anticipated!

      Perhaps they will do more of the Sewing Bee programme once they see how popular it's been. I think it has been very well received.

  3. First dress??? That's impressive - I didn't even post my first attempts. It looks good as it is rather than adding long sleeves. Thanks for checking out my blog and your lovely comment :-)

    1. Thanks! ;) I will admit to being pleased with it now that it's all done. However I'm glad the photos aren't too close up! ;)

  4. I like the dress as it is. You could hem the sleeves as they are. Of course it depends on when you are planning to wear it. I can't wait to see how you decide to complete it.

    1. :) I think it's better without the sleeves... I chopped them into strips to practice with the hemmer foot! Much better use of material! LOL

  5. Can't believe this is a first dress - huge pat-on-the-back for a great sewing effort. Looking forward to seeing it finished ... J

    1. Thank you Judith. Completion of this dress has given me a wee confidence boost.... although the material is very forgiving and hids quite a few litttle botches. ;)


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