Monday, 29 April 2013

My Daughters' Charity Run for Invest in ME

UPDATE: A grand total £1522 was raised by the Down High Relay Team for INVEST IN ME.  Well done all!

My two younger daughters Elaine and Shona are each running a leg of the Belfast Marathon on Monday 6th May.

Their school, Down High, has put together four teams of young runners and teachers for the marathon relay event.  The school  has nominated INVEST IN ME as their chosen charity this year, and this was - at least in part - due to the fact that they suggested the charity to the school because of how this illness has affected me over the last year.

I am obviously delighted that the school has run with this idea, and that some more funds can be raised for much needed biomedical research into the nature of the illness.  I realise that I am not as badly affected as many and so despite my limitations I can still get out and about to meet friends and socialise.  Those most severely affected with ME often remain bed bound for years with no effective medical treatment.

Much more research is needed!

Elaine, who is the runner in our family, is giving a talk during school assembly on Wednesday morning explaining the nature of ME and the need for good biomedical research.  Invest in ME sent a variety of resources to the school to help with this, including the book "Lost Voices from a Hidden Illness".

Shona, who doesn't normally run, has been training for a number of weeks now.  She is looking forward to marathon day, but doesn't think she wants to keep up with running as a sport....  (quite her mother's daughter!).

Anyway, I'm as proud as can be of these two, and am so delighted that the school followed through on the suggestion to support Invest in ME as their named charity this year.

Any donation - small or large - that you feel you could make to support these young people (and their teachers who are also running) in their venture to raise funds for IiME will be gratefully appreciated.

Thank you....

Oh and my eldest daughter is also running a leg of the same marathon as part of another team from the Biomedical Research Lab where she works.  Go Kerry!

It'll be a busy day and I hope to use my latest acquisition - a TravelScoot to get out onto the route to cheer them all on.

Run, my girls, run!


  1. Hi Sally ... terrific news and all the best to your lovely girls for their run in support of this worthy cause ..... one close to my heart as you know being a Fibromyalgia sufferer.

  2. Thank you! ;) And for your supportive comment on FB

  3. This is brilliant news! It gives me hope that ME is becoming widely accepted as 'real'. Good luck to them all :)

    1. Thank you Aimee :) Oh and having had a peak at your blog I'm a-following now! Love the felted animals.


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